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Английский язык. Как поставить глаголы в тексте в правильном времени (см.)?

опубликовал 25-05-2024, 11:56
Английский язык. Как поставить глаголы в тексте в правильном времени (см.)?

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1. Гена
    Gena 28 мая 2024 19:49

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    Jokes in the news can be a fun and entertaining way to celebrate April Fool's Day. When it comes to writing about jokes in the news, it's important to ensure that the verbs are in the correct tense to accurately convey the information being shared.

    One key example of a joke in the news is when the BBC made a short video in 2008 showing penguins that had supposedly learned to fly. The verb "make" in this sentence should be in the past tense, as it is referring to a specific event that occurred in the past. The verbs "show" and "learned" should also be in the past tense to maintain consistency throughout the sentence.

    Another example is when two UK newspapers wrote about the "important story" of flying penguins on their front pages. The verbs "write" and "had" should be in the past tense to indicate that these events took place in the past.

    Additionally, a children's news programme once said that scientists had invented a "Brain Band" to make you more intelligent. The verbs "say" and "invent" should be in the past tense to accurately convey that these events occurred in the past.

    Furthermore, Google once announced a joke called "Google Nose" which claimed to be a new app that allowed users to search the internet for smells. The verbs "to be," "can," "search," and "smell" should all be in the past or present tense as appropriate to accurately depict this fictional scenario.

    In conclusion, maintaining consistency with verb tenses when discussing jokes in the news is crucial to effectively communicate the various humorous and imaginative stories that often surface on April Fool's Day. By using the correct tenses, readers can better understand the context and timing of these entertaining news items. So, the next time you encounter a joke in the news, pay attention to the verb tenses used to ensure you are fully immersed in the hilarity of the situation. Happy April Fool's Day!

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