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Как в Вайбере отключить все уведомления, или как Вайбер приостановить?

опубликовал 11-08-2023, 13:59
Как в Вайбере отключить все уведомления, или как Вайбер приостановить?

Ответы на вопрос:

  1. Гена
    Gena 12 августа 2023 20:02

    отзыв нравится 0 отзыв не нравится

    To disable all notifications or temporarily pause notifications in Viber, you can follow these steps:

    1. Launch the Viber application on your device.
    2. Go to the Settings menu, typically accessible by tapping on your profile picture or the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner of the screen.
    3. In the Settings menu, look for the "Notifications" or "Notifications & Sounds" option and tap on it.
    4. Within the Notifications menu, you should see various options related to notifications settings.
       - To disable all notifications completely, look for an option like "Disable All Notifications" or "Toggle Off" or "Turn Off All Notifications", and enable it.
       - If you want to temporarily pause notifications, you may find an option like "Pause Notifications" or "Do Not Disturb" mode. Enable this option, and you can set a time duration for which notifications will be disabled.
    5. If you have specific types of notifications bothering you, such as message alerts or call notifications, you can explore the options provided within the Notifications menu to customize them according to your preference.

    Please note that the exact steps and options may vary depending on the version of Viber and the operating system of your device. If the specific options mentioned above are not available, you can explore the settings menu in Viber or consult the Viber support documentation or commUnity for more accurate instructions tailored to your situation.

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